Our Team at St Swithun's, Bathford

Welcome to St. Swithun’s Church, Bathford!

We are a vibrant church of all ages on the exciting journey together of  following Christ.  We seek to grow deeper in our Christian faith, to care for each other, serve our community and to share the good news of Jesus locally and beyond.

We are a village church of all ages on the exciting journey together of following Christ.  We seek to grow deeper in our Christian faith, to care for each other, serve our community and to share the good news of Jesus locally and beyond. You will find information here about the activities that we host as well as our ongoing rhythm of pastoral care, prayer and worship.

On Sundays we gather in church as a worshipping community at 10 am.  The first and third Sundays are usually a service of Holy Communion whilst the second and fourth Sundays  are more informal services and all ages are very welcome! 

Our vicar is Rev'd Lauretta Wilson who joined us, as Priest in Charge of Batheaston and Bathford parishes.  We are delighted to welcome our curate the Rev'd Jane Hoe who joined us at the beginning of July and will be curate across the benefice.

You can find more information on our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/215224592888379 

Please do contact our vicar, Rev'd Lauretta Wilson: revlauretta@outlook.com 07840 753202, our church warden

John Keelty: churchwardenj@stswithunsbathford.co.uk or Zoe in the office for a chat.





      Our curate the Rev'd Jane Hoe and Rev'd Lauretta Wilson       



John Keelty
Church Warden


                          Robert Wolsey                                   Deputy Church Warden





                       Michael Gilbert


Stephen Huard
Deanery Synod Representative



Mark Dixon


                                      Jeremy Furber                                          Charity Action Coordinator


Gill Gilbert
Pastoral Coordinator


Anne Wade



Charlotte Hart